We feel that the responsibility of student behavior is shared by all: the student, parents and the school. With this in mind, students are held strictly accountable for their behavior.
The following guidelines assist school personnel whenever inappropriate student behavior occurs:
1. Teacher will activate classroom discipline plan, which will include
- establishing classroom agreements.
- counseling the child.
- communicating with parents to inform and seek support.
- providing appropriate consequences.
2. If further assistance is needed, then the child may be referred to the school counselor and/or other administrative designee.
3. Referral to school principal
When the student is referred to the administration, except in extreme situations, it is assumed that the parent/guardian has been previously contacted about the problem.
The principal may choose to:
- counsel the student.
- conduct a parent conference.
- remove the student from the classroom or playground/lunch area.
- suspend the student (see below).
District Guidelines for Suspension
A student may be suspended from school if they:
- Cause, attempt to cause or threaten to cause physical injury to another.
- Disrupt school activities or willfully defy the valid authority of the staff.*
- Unlawfully sell, deal or furnish any substance that is a controlled substance.
- Steal or attempt to steal school or private property.
- Possess, sell, or furnish any firearm, knife, explosive or dangerous object.
- Possess or use tobacco on school premises.
- Cause or attempt to cause damage to school or private property.
- Knowingly receive stolen school or private property.
* Students may only be suspended for this reason if they are in third grade or older.
** The district policy regarding sexual harassment can be obtained viewed on the district website.